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Slow Is Never Slow Enough, Global Province Letter (October 3, 2018)

"...do nothing really well, at a snail's pace, as often as possible, every day all day." To read more, click here.

Some News Fit to Print, Global Province Letter (July 12, 2018)

"In fairness to journalists everywhere, it is hard to know what the real stories are in 2018." To read more, click here.

Out of the Muck: Over a Wall, Global Province Letter (May 24, 2018)

"We never quite know where our friend Maxwell MacLeod has been, is roosting now, or is headed next." To read more, click here.

Scoundrels: Where Are They? Now That We Need Them (April 18, 2018)

"...we have a fondness for lovable scoundrels who laugh a lot and are not above good measures of sin and debauchery now and again." To read more, click here.