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August 20, 2000—It's a Barnum and Bailey World

It truly is a Barnum and Bailey world. We live on-stage in a virtual universe where digits are constantly pressing on our consciousness. Instead of touching earth, sun, and sky, we duel with messages at every turn. It just begins at cable, telephone, wireless, and the Internet. We are also unwillingly caught up in customer-relationship (customer-abuse) schemes where our specific buying habits and demographics are recorded so that messages, products, offers and cooperative advertising can be beamed at us and clutter our mailbox. We live in a media envelope that has reshaped and unsettled our lives.

It is replete with problems, challenges, and wonderful opportunities.

For the individual it seems to be singularly responsible for a tremendous increase in stress--no matter where you live--during the last decade. Too many messages.

For the company or institution, it has totally upset the rules of communication. First, no company knows totally what is being said about it out there, because there's too much there, even if we make use of the special services that now can scan the Internet on our behalf.

Then too, we no longer know if we are reaching and affecting the people who count for us. The new media channels have vastly increased the number of news providers. Opinion-makers who affect us deeply are hidden from our view.

But the promise of a multi-channel world is now beginning to come to fruition. Even as the TV networks, major business magazines, and urban papers become progressively more irrelevant, significant options are arising that can fill our media needs.

The coverage of the Republican convention underscores this point. The major TV networks simply failed. MSNBC and C-Span did the best job of bringing us the news--and all the news. Narrow casting--slice by slice--is the golden opportunity of the broadband world, where more discriminating content is delivered to smaller communities of people with common interests.

Cable, satellite, and the Internet have vastly lowered the costs of reaching small pockets of the national market. Amidst all the chatter and trivia, some wonderful differentiated, quality entertainment and information is emerging. Now if we can find some easy way for the consumer to separate the wheat from the chaff, without dialing through 140 channels or spending fruitless hours surfing with useless search engines. For now at least we must rely on traditional newspaper and magazine columns to point out the best and brightest to us. Old media's new duty is to lead us through the new media.

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